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Our Ideal Clients Value Data but Are Too Busy to Request it


We Seek CEOs, CFOs and Business Owners Who Recognize the Importance of Data

JLytics is optimized to serve clients in any industry. We are particularly well-suited in working with leaders and companies with these characteristics.

A CEO or owner who:

  • Understands the value of data but currently has too much to sift through
  • Understands the value of key performance indicators
  • Feels constantly pulled away from the art and science of daily management practices due to distractions
  • Has the sneaking feeling that they are missing something important data about the health of their business but don’t know where to even begin looking
  • Desires increased clarity and peace of mind

And who leads a company that:

  • Earns $5MM to $100MM per year in revenue
  • Is located in the United States or Canada
  • Is experiencing fast growth, change or an uncertain competitive environment
  • May or may not have an in-house business intelligence or reporting team